Casa Ermelinda Freitas
The winery was established in 1920 by Leonilde Freitas, continued by her daughter Germana Freitas, and then by her grand daughter Ermelinda Freitas, who the company owes the name to. On the untimely death of her husband, Manuel João de Freitas, she continued to manage the company with their only child, Leonor, who took charge and characterized the female hallmark of the company. Casa Ermelinda Freitas has, from its very beginnings, made the quality of its vineyards and wines the top priority. Providing evidence for this quality are more than 700 national and international awards earned. Ermleinda Freitas was also ranked as 25th top wine producer in 2015, and the 36th in 2016, by the WAWWJ – World Association Of Writers And Journalists of Wines And Spirits. Leonor was also featured in the March issue of Forbes portugal, highlighting her amamzing journey in the wine industry.

Inheriting just 60 hectares of vineyards, consisting of the red grape Castelão and the white grape Fernão Pires, Leonor has expanded to 440 hectares and includes a wider range of varietals, but keeping Castelão and Fernão Pires the predominant varietals.
Son and grandson of wineproducers, Jaime Quendera is an oenologist who embraces modern technique. He was born and raised in the wine-growing region of Palmela and continues the family tradition by remaining in this renown wine region.
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Leonor Feitas was featured on the cover in the March 2017 issue of Forbes Magazine, being recognized for her wineries success and many business achievements.